
  1. Peru Faces Fierce Criticism for Classifying Non-Binary People as Mentally Ill

    Europe Peru Faces Fierce Criticism for Classifying Non-Binary People as Mentally Ill

    LGBTQ+ advocates slammed Peru for officially classifying transgender and non-binary people as "mentally ill" in a new health insurance decree, accusing authorities of promoting bigotry and discrimination. Peruvian authorities faced intense backlash this week after a presidential decree approved...
  2. Mixed Reactions Follow Pope's Condemnation of Abortion, Surrogacy, and Gender Reassignment

    Europe Mixed Reactions Follow Pope's Condemnation of Abortion, Surrogacy, and Gender Reassignment

    Pope Francis has condemned abortions, surrogacy, and gender reassignment surgeries as severe affronts to the inherent dignity of human beings. The Vatican, through a declaration titled "Dignitas Infinita" (Infinite Dignity), underscores the sanctity of human life from conception and denounces...
  3. Video: Charlie Boy Comes Straight Out And Declares He Is Not Gay

    Nigeria Video: Charlie Boy Comes Straight Out And Declares He Is Not Gay

    Charly Boy, in an exclusive interview with Pulse Inside Scoop, clarified misconceptions about his sexuality. Despite acknowledging his feminine side, he emphatically stated that he is not gay. Addressing persistent rumors, he openly discussed his identity, asserting that his characteristics...
  4. Relief and Cheers as Bobrisky Granted Bail by EFCC

    Nigeria Relief and Cheers as Bobrisky Granted Bail by EFCC

    The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has granted bail to Nigerian crossdresser, Bobrisky, following his arrest for alleged currency mutilation and abuse of the Naira. Bobrisky, whose real name is not disclosed, remains in custody as he has yet to fulfill the undisclosed bail...
  5. Ghanaians Divided Over New Anti-LGBTQ Law

    Africa Ghanaians Divided Over New Anti-LGBTQ Law

    Ghana's parliament has approved a contentious bill aimed at severely restricting LGBTQ rights, a move that has triggered condemnation from human rights activists. Sponsored by a coalition of religious and traditional leaders, the legislation criminalizes LGBTQ sexual acts and the promotion of...
  6. Gombe State Arrests 76 Suspects for Planning Same-Sex Wedding

    Nigeria Gombe State Arrests 76 Suspects for Planning Same-Sex Wedding

    Seventy-six individuals were apprehended by the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Gombe State, with 21 admitting to being homosexuals. The incident took place during a homosexual birthday celebration at Duwa Plaza along the Bauchi-Gombe Expressway. The suspects, 59 of whom were...
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    World The Vatican said that priests and other Roman Catholic Church ministers cannot bless same-sex unions - Reuters
  8. S

    Entertainment Nigerian’s first LGBTQ movie, ‘Ife’, set for release - Premium Times News