Image by Manie Van der Hoven from Pixabay

Africa, where humans first came from, is a big place full of life and amazing things. It has large open grasslands and mysterious pyramids that every kind of traveller would like to see. Let us examine the five best places for tourists in Africa for 2024 and provide you with all essential information to organise a journey that will remain engraved in your memory always.

Getting Around: Transportation Options​

Getting around Africa can be a trifle challenging, but nevertheless there are plenty of transportation options to choose from, ranging from air travel to transfers and public transport. Here are a few:
  • Flights: The fastest way to get around the continent of Africa is by flying. Most countries have international airports, and domestic flights are available in many countries.
  • Taxis: After landing, taxis are widely available in most cities, but make sure to agree on the price before you start your journey.
  • Transfers: AtoB offers pre-booked transfers from airports to your destination, with options for child seats and extra luggage.
  • Car Rentals: Renting a car is a great way to explore Africa at your own pace. Just make sure to drive safely and follow local rules.
  • Public Transport: Public transport is available in most cities, but it can be crowded and unreliable.

Destination 1: Cape Town, South Africa​

South Africa's mother city beautifully blends the wonders of nature with urban charm. It has everything from Table Mountain to Cape of Good Hope for those who love being outdoors. You have the choice to ride a cable car to reach the top of Table Mountain, or you can walk around Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens which is very pretty. Moreover, it's possible for you to go and see Boulders Beach where there are African penguins that many people find adorable.

Destination 2: Marrakech, Morocco​

The city of Marrakech in Morocco overwhelms the senses in a very pleasant way. With its crowded marketplaces and wonderful buildings, it provides a feast for both the eyes and ears. Explore the Jemaa el-Fnaa square, appreciate the loveliness of Bahia Palace, and meander along the tight passageways of the ancient city. Make sure to try some traditional Moroccan food and get souvenirs from marketplaces to bring back.

Destination 3: Nairobi, Kenya​

Nairobi, known as the "green city in the sun," offers a lot to people who enjoy nature and thrill. It has places like Maasai Mara National Reserve that is known all over, and also Lake Nakuru which is very pretty; it's an area with lots of natural beauty around it. Here, you can take safari trips and observe the key animals of Africa known as the Big Five - these are lions, leopards, rhinoceroses, elephants and Cape buffalos. There is also an opportunity to go to David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust that looks after small young elephants or have fun discovering the busy roads in this main city.

Destination 4: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe​

This location is among the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and looks like an enormous pool. Here, you have Zambezi River dropping into a steep gorge, spreading out to create a fog visible from many miles away. You might enjoy a boat trip to see the waterfalls from nearby, or choose white-water rafting for an exciting adventure; and if you want to see everything from above, a helicopter tour provides a wonderful view of the falls from the sky.

Destination 5: Cairo, Egypt​

The city is often called the one with many minarets and holds significant historical and cultural value. There are well-known sites such as the Giza Pyramids and the stunning Mosque of Muhammad Ali to see there. You may take a guided trip to view ancient pyramids, see the Egyptian Museum for pharaohs' treasures from their era, and wander through crowded markets to buy keepsakes.

Bonus Section: Top 5 Must-Try Foods in Africa​

African cuisine is a delectable fusion of different flavours and spices (sometimes a bit too much of the latter). Here are what we think are the top 5 must-try foods in Africa:

Jollof RiceSpicy one-pot dish made with rice, tomatoes, and spicesWest Africa
InjeraSour flatbread made from teff flour, often served with stewsEthiopia
BobotieMeat pie made with ground beef or lamb, eggs, and spicesSouth Africa
SuyaGrilled meat skewers, often made with beef, chicken, or goatNigeria
TagineStew made with meat, vegetables, and dried fruits, often cooked in a clay potMorocco


Africa is a continent that will impress you with its beautiful nature, deep cultural heritage, and welcoming inhabitants. If you love observing wild animals, are interested in historical sites or seeking adventures, Africa offers activities for every kind of person. Prepare your luggage, book your transfer, take your camera with you and be prepared for an unforgettable journey. Make sure to arrange everything early, reserve your transport and places to stay before you go.