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APC condemns Kwankwaso's "grossly insensitive" comments on the Kano emirship tussle, accusing him of fueling tension. Defends Tinubu's neutrality, says allegations unjustified.

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has strongly condemned comments made by Rabiu Kwankwaso, the presidential candidate of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) in the 2023 elections, regarding the ongoing emirship tussle in Kano state. The ruling party has labelled Kwankwaso's remarks as "grossly insensitive" and expressed disappointment at his allegations against the federal government.

Kwankwaso had accused the federal government of compromising security in Kano, warning that the people would resist any attempt to undermine the constituted authority in the state. In response, APC's national spokesperson, Felix Morka, issued a statement criticizing Kwankwaso's comments as "highly incendiary and unconscionable for an individual of his standing."

Morka emphasized that as a former governor and Minister of Defence, Kwankwaso should demonstrate discretion and understand the severe implications of unguarded utterances capable of fueling tension and strife in Kano. The APC condemned Kwankwaso's allegation that the federal government is attempting to create a new breed of Boko Haram terrorists and insurgents, deeming it "grossly insensitive, unwarranted, and unacceptable."

Furthermore, Morka defended the federal government's neutrality on the emirate crisis in Kano, stating that it has confidence in the courts to fairly adjudicate the matter. He added that President Bola Tinubu is a bridge-builder for peace, security, and unity and should not be tainted with "flimsy and unjustifiable allegations."