APC spokesperson Felix Morka dismissed claims of threatening Peter Obi after criticizing him on national TV. Morka accused Obi of irrational thinking and attacking President Tinubu’s administration. The APC rejected these claims, stating Morka’s remarks were not a threat but a defense of the government’s policies.
The All Progressives Congress (APC) has denied claims made by Peter Obi's supporters (Obidients) that its spokesperson, Felix Morka, threatened the former governor of Anambra State. Morka had criticized Obi on national television, accusing him of irrational thinking and senseless attacks on President Bola Tinubu's administration. Speaking on Arise TV, Morka dismissed the idea that his remarks were personal, describing Obi's criticism as “shooting from the hip” and comparing him to a cowboy from old Western movies. He also criticized Obi's tenure as Anambra governor, stating that Obi left no lasting legacy in the state.
Obi, in turn, responded to Morka’s comments, stating that his remarks had led to threats against him and his family. He expressed disbelief at being accused of crossing a line for simply sharing a New Year message, which he claims triggered these threats.
In response, the APC stated X, rejecting any insinuation that Morka had threatened Obi. The party emphasized that Morka's comments were not a threat but rather a defense of the administration's policies against Obi's public criticisms. The APC further pointed out that after losing the argument, Obidients resorted to spreading false information about Morka’s statements. Despite the controversy, the APC maintained that Morka’s words were not intended to be a threat.