Felix Morka, APC spokesperson, denies Peter Obi's claim of a life threat. Morka criticizes Obi for spreading misinformation and fostering a mob mentality among his supporters. He asserts that Obi's claims are false and urges him to be responsible with his public statements, emphasizing the need for accurate information.
Felix Morka, spokesperson for the All Progressives Congress (APC), has firmly denied allegations from Peter Obi, the 2023 presidential candidate of the Labour Party, that Morka threatened his life. Obi had expressed concerns about Nigeria's ongoing struggles in his New Year statement, criticizing President Bola Tinubu’s administration for leading the country into hardship and corruption.
In his response, Morka dismissed Obi’s claims as false, accusing the former governor of spreading misinformation. Morka argued that while Obi is entitled to express his views, he should not peddle false narratives aimed at gaining sympathy. He emphasized that freedom of speech applies to everyone, including him, and that Obi should be held accountable for his words.
Morka also criticized Obi for encouraging a "mob mentality" among his supporters, whom he claims have harassed prominent individuals who oppose Obi’s views. He added that despite these actions, Obi has failed to speak out against the behavior of his followers.
The APC spokesperson further challenged Obi’s belief that he is above reproach, stating that no political figure, regardless of their status, is exempt from scrutiny. He condemned Obi’s approach, urging that political leaders provide truthful, responsible information to the public.