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ASUU-UNN protests government's agreement breaches, warning of a strike if demands for fair treatment and educational support remain unmet.

Members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) chapter, have issued a stern warning of an impending strike due to the Federal Government's alleged neglect of their demands. On Thursday, June 27, they staged a peaceful protest within the university premises, carrying placards with messages such as "Government, stop forcing ASUU to embark on strike" and "Government, honor agreements with ASUU."

Their grievances center around the government's failure to implement a 2009 agreement, which includes salary adjustments and better funding for universities. Comrade Oyibo Eze, ASUU-UNN Chairman, criticized what he termed the government's hypocrisy and neglect of the education sector, accusing political leaders of prioritizing personal gains over national development.

He highlighted that despite numerous attempts to engage diplomatically and politically, their efforts to renegotiate terms with the government have been fruitless. Eze pointed out promises made by President Bola Tinubu during his campaign to address their concerns, contrasting them with the lack of action since assuming office.

The union has given a 21-day ultimatum for the government to respond, threatening to join a nationwide indefinite strike if their demands are not met. Professor Johnson Urama, UNN's Deputy Vice Chancellor, commended the union's peaceful approach but expressed concern over potential disruptions to academic activities if the situation remains unresolved.