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Apostle Abel Damina has sparked a debate after calling Catholics "Bible illiterates" and criticizing their practice of Holy Communion. His remarks have divided opinions, with Catholics defending their faith and some non-Catholics acknowledging his point about Bible knowledge.

Apostle Abel Damina has sparked controversy with his recent comments targeting the Catholic Church, calling its members "Bible illiterates" and accusing them of idol worship. In a provocative statement, Damina described the practice of Holy Communion as "stupid" and criticized Catholics for not reading the Bible, claiming they were kept ignorant by their pastors. According to Damina, this lack of Bible knowledge prevents meaningful biblical conversations within the Catholic community, leading them to focus on rituals like the rosary instead.

Damina's remarks have divided opinions. Catholics have strongly disagreed with him, asserting that they do read and engage with the Bible. They also pointed out that the Catholic Church has been around for over two millennia, suggesting that if they were doing something wrong, it would have been exposed by now. On the other hand, some non-Catholics, while not fully agreeing with Damina’s delivery, acknowledged his point about Catholics’ limited Bible knowledge compared to other denominations.

In response to Damina’s criticism, some supporters have urged Catholics to take a more proactive approach to Bible study. Others, however, have dismissed Damina as a "fake pastor," questioning his understanding of the Bible.