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Presidency defends proposed new presidential jet purchase amid criticism from the opposition. Aide accuses Peter Obi of wishing Tinubu dead by opposing acquisition.

Presidential aide Bayo Onanuga has lashed out at Peter Obi for criticizing the proposed purchase of a new aircraft for President Tinubu. Onanuga questioned if Obi wanted the President dead, accusing him of wishing ill on Tinubu by opposing the acquisition of a new plane to replace the old one bought over 20 years ago during Obasanjo's era.

Obi had faulted the proposal, stating it highlights the government's disconnect from citizens and calling for more compassionate use of resources to prioritize people's welfare. However, Onanuga defended it as a "basic thing any sane government will do," citing security concerns after the current plane developed faults during Tinubu's Saudi trip.

Nigerians have reacted with mixed views. Some accused Onanuga of twisting the narrative and playing the victim card, while others questioned the priorities of a government unable to increase the minimum wage yet keen on an expensive jet purchase. Supporters argued it is a necessary security measure for the President's safety.

The debate has reignited discussions around prudent resource allocation versus ensuring presidential security and dignity of Nigeria's highest office.