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A chef's post of sliced yams sold for ₦500 in a Nigerian market highlights the severe economic hardship in the country. Nigerians expressed frustration and disbelief on social media, criticizing the government's policies and rising living costs.

Economic hardship in Nigeria has reached new heights as a chef recently shared a picture of sliced yams being sold for ₦500 in a local market. This post has ignited a wave of reactions from Nigerians, expressing their frustrations and disbelief at the current state of the economy.

On social media, users were quick to voice their opinions, with some lamenting the political situation, suggesting that even if elections were redone, the same leaders would be voted in again. Others noted the irony of being asked to grow yams in their backyards amid such economic struggles.

Some highlighted the gravity of the situation, with comments about how the cost of living has never been this bad. Suggestions were made to buy alternatives like sweet potatoes instead of the now-expensive yams.

The post also spurred sarcastic and humorous responses, with some users commenting that the situation was good for portion control and others highlighting the general economic malaise, saying the country has never been in such dire straits.

Many expressed concerns about the broader implications of rising food prices, pointing out that the current government's economic policies are not working and need urgent review. The sentiment that the poor are being suffocated by these economic challenges was echoed by several users, who also mentioned the rise in crime as a direct consequence.