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CBD flowers have become a popular choice for those seeking natural wellness and therapeutic benefits. There is already anecdotal evidence proving the potential health and wellness benefits of hemp and CBD products. Some states have taken a bold step towards legalizing hemp for recreational use as research continues.

The market is still new, and there are not many CBD shops, which makes finding quality CBD flowers challenging. However, if you are reading this guide, you are in the right place. This guide has essential tips to help you find the perfect CBD flower for your needs.

What Effects Are You After?

Don’t start placing CBD flower orders without knowing its therapeutic effects. Hemp strains are diverse, with each offering unique effects depending on the strain and cannabinoid profile. Do you want flowers to help uplift your moods early in the morning when you feel grumpy, or something to help manage your insomnia?

Before we go any further, CBD flowers are split into hybrid, sativa, and indica strains. Hybrids provide the perfect balance, improving your focus levels while making you feel calmer. They are ideal for an afternoon smoke as you seek to finish the day on a high note.

Indica CBD flowers are famous for their calming effects. We recommend buying indica strains if you want to rest and relax as you prepare to sleep. Sativa strains offer the complete opposite. They elevate your mood, making you feel more energetic and hyper.

Quality Checks

Knowing how to identify fresh CBD flowers is a crucial skill. It is not that hard if you know what you are looking for. Look for well-formed and thick buds with vibrant shades of green and purple. Don’t buy the flowers if they have started turning grey or yellowish. It is a sign that the flowers weren't stored well.

The sniff test is a popular way of telling if the buds are high quality. The flower's scent should be pleasant and fresh, reflecting the terpene profile. Some strains have fruity aromas while others possess an earthy smell with hints of pine.

Shop From Reputable Weed Dispensaries

Where you purchase or source the CBD flowers is crucial. Start by searching for reputable weed shops, either online or in physical stores. Take your time and find reviews and customer testimonials about the shop. Only source your CBD from a reputable seller.

Ask for a lab certificate from third-party testing facilities. This will help you know whether the flowers meet the regulations set in the 2018 Farm Bill. Legal CBD flowers must have less than 0.3% THC content.

Your Dosing Guide

Reaction time after consuming CBD varies from person to person. Consumption also plays a pivotal role. Start with a low amount, preferably around 1-2mg of CBD, and gradually up your dose based on your response.

We don’t recommend using CBD flowers to self-medicate. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD products if you have underlying health conditions. Also, don't use hemp products if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.