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Finidi George criticizes NFF and questions players' commitment, citing Osimhen's absence. Mixed fan reactions highlight concerns over team discipline and managerial decisions.

Finidi George, the newly appointed coach of the Super Eagles, has voiced his frustrations over challenges faced in his early tenure. He criticized the lack of support from the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) and highlighted concerns about player commitment.

During a meeting with Sports Minister John Enoh in Abuja, Finidi reportedly used Victor Osimhen's absence in recent World Cup qualifiers to underscore his point.

Osimhen, who cited injury for missing matches, was indirectly accused of selective commitment to national duties. Finidi lamented a perceived breakdown in team discipline and alleged interference from influential NFF members shielding players from sanctions.

The coach's comments have sparked mixed reactions from fans, with some defending Osimhen and questioning Finidi's handling of the situation. Others criticized the NFF's managerial decisions and urged for stability and professionalism in the Super Eagles' setup to improve results and team cohesion.

Credit: Score Nigeria