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The suicide of a 13-year-old Nigerian boy after military torture over a theft accusation has sparked nationwide fury, with demands for the soldier's arrest and accountability for military abuses against civilians.

A tragic case of suspected theft, vigilante justice, and suicide has sparked outrage across Nigeria. According to reports, a 16-year-old girl claimed 10,000 naira was missing and accused her 13-year-old neighbor. She told her boyfriend, who is allegedly a soldier, that he took the young boy to a military base and tortured him. After returning home, the traumatized 13-year-old took his own life. It was then revealed that the girl's brother had stolen the money.

Nigerians reacted with horror and fury at the injustice done to the child victim. Many condemned the soldier's actions as a gross overstep of military authority in civilian matters. There were calls for his arrest on charges of murder, torture, and statutory rape given his relationship with the underage girl. The girl herself and her brother were criticized for their roles, with some saying all three should face legal consequences.

Overall, the horrific case provoked visceral disgust nationwide at the chain of toxic decisions that led to a child's suicide. It encapsulated many Nigerians' fears about military overreach, gender-based violence, and the exploitation of minors. Accountability through the legal system was widely demanded.