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Kenya's President Ruto offers dialogue with young protesters demonstrating against tax hikes. Protests organized on social media caught the government off-guard. Some tax increases rolled back, but concerns over new proposals remain. Ruto faces a balancing act between fiscal responsibilities and addressing youth demands amid economic challenges.

Kenya's President William Ruto has signaled a willingness to engage in dialogue with young protesters who have been demonstrating nationwide against proposed tax increases. This shift in stance comes after days of protests that began on Tuesday, driven by accusations that Ruto's administration has failed to fulfill promises to reduce taxes and lower the cost of living.

The demonstrations, organized primarily through social media and led by young Kenyans, caught the government off guard as dissatisfaction with Ruto's economic policies grew. In his first public comments on the protests, Ruto expressed pride in the young people who stepped forward peacefully and promised to engage with them in conversation to build a greater nation.

However, protest leader Hanifa Adan emphasized the need for a public response from Ruto to their demand letter. The protests have been mostly peaceful, but human rights groups reported arrests and violent crackdowns by riot police using tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets. Tragically, a 21-year-old protester died after being hit by a tear gas canister.

In response to the demonstrations, the government has already rolled back several proposed tax increases, including levies on bread purchases, car ownership, and financial services. However, critics argue that new proposals to raise fuel prices and export taxes will further burden citizens already struggling with high inflation.

Ruto faces a challenging economic situation, with soaring debt servicing costs due to the declining value of the local currency. He reassured protesters that the annual budget includes measures to address youth unemployment and improve access to higher education. As the dialogue unfolds, all eyes will be on how Ruto's administration balances fiscal responsibilities with the needs and demands of Kenya's youth.