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Nigeria celebrates its first-ever Gold medal win at the esteemed World Affairs Challenge (WAC) 2024, with Christ the King College (CKC), Onitsha, emerging as the triumphant global champion. This historic feat, announced on Wednesday, marks a significant milestone for Nigerian education and showcases the country's prowess on the international stage.

The World Affairs Challenge, organized by WorldDenver, serves as a platform for high school students worldwide to address pressing global issues and propose innovative solutions aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This year's competition focused on tackling critical issues such as climate change, poverty, and inequality.

Led by students Ekufu Ernest, Obuna Somtochukwu, Umeodinka Emmanuel, Ejike Ekene, and Ubah Jason, under the guidance of their coach, John Onuigbo, CKC Onitsha secured the prestigious first-place position with their impactful project, "Wise Tales by Primus." This innovative series of digital comic stories addresses environmental degradation, climate change, and substance abuse, aiming to raise awareness and inspire positive change among young people.

CKC Onitsha's journey to victory began at the African Regional Competition, where they distinguished themselves as the highest-scoring Nigerian team and among the top five in Africa. Their exceptional performance earned them a spot in the virtual global finals, where they impressed judges with their profound understanding and passionate delivery during the final Q&A session.

The judges lauded the team's outstanding performance, commending their "Excellent presentation and applications of SMART indexes with extraordinary action plans for global outreach through language translation and website creative solutions dynamics." This accolade solidified CKC Onitsha's position as the undisputed champion of the World Affairs Challenge 2024.

Rev. Fr. Celestine Arinze Okafor, the school principal, expressed profound pride in CKC Onitsha's historic win, emphasizing its significance beyond the competition. He highlighted the team's innovative spirit and the potential of Nigerian youth to address global challenges with creativity and dedication. As CKC Onitsha prepares to travel to Denver, Colorado, USA, for the award ceremony later this month, the entire nation stands behind them, eager to witness their continued success and impact on the world stage.

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