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NFVCB warns against releasing films, skits, or music videos without classification, citing legal offenses and emphasizing the role of age ratings. Tightening enforcement and collaborating with security agencies, NFVCB targets unauthorized content and same-sex material on social media in Nigeria.

The federal government has issued a stern warning, stating that releasing skits, films, or music videos without classification from the National Films and Videos Censors Board (NFVCB) is illegal.

The NFVCB, responsible for age ratings and content advisories, emphasized the importance of its role in helping families make informed viewing choices. Shaibu Husseini, NFVCB's executive director, emphasized plans to enhance video content classification, aiming to establish a top-tier classification center. He cautioned content creators against unauthorized releases and announced a collaboration with security agencies to enforce regulations.

The NFVCB also condemned the promotion of same-sex content on social media, affirming its commitment to enforcing censorship laws. All films and videos must receive NFVCB certification, indicating suitability for different age groups, from "G" for general audiences to "18" for mature viewers.