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Nigeria Labour Congress challenges governors' bid to set state minimum wages independently, citing it as dictatorial and harmful to workers' welfare. The NLC insists on upholding a national wage floor to ensure fair standards and economic stability amid varied state financial capacities.

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has strongly rebuked the Southern Governors’ Forum for suggesting that states should independently negotiate minimum wage rates with their workers. In a firm statement, NLC spokesperson Ben Ukpa criticized this stance as dictatorial and contrary to the national consensus on minimum wage standards.

Ukpa emphasized that the national minimum wage serves as a crucial safeguard, ensuring a basic standard of living for all workers across the country. He highlighted the diverse economic capabilities of states and stressed that while flexibility exists within state pay structures, adherence to a national wage floor is essential to prevent exploitation and maintain economic stability.

The NLC warned that allowing governors unchecked authority over wages could exacerbate poverty and insecurity, emphasizing that workers' salaries are not charity but vital contributions to the national economy.