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Nigerian families adapt to skyrocketing tomato prices by using alternatives like cucumber, carrot, and peppers in traditional recipes. Creative cooking methods emerge as tomato costs surge over 120%. Experts cite seasonality and logistics for price increases. Social media facilitates recipe sharing as Nigerians navigate this culinary challenge.

As tomato prices in Nigeria surge to unprecedented levels, households are finding innovative ways to maintain their culinary traditions. The cost of this staple ingredient has more than doubled in recent months, forcing many to seek alternatives for their beloved stews and dishes.

Families are turning to vegetables like cucumber, carrot, and various peppers to replicate the texture and flavor profile of tomatoes. These substitutes, often mixed with tomato paste, are proving to be satisfactory replacements in many recipes.

Market surveys reveal that a basket of tomatoes now costs around N110,000, a stark increase from the N40,000-N50,000 range seen earlier this year. This dramatic price hike has made tomatoes unaffordable for many, pushing them to explore new culinary horizons.

Mothers, often the primary meal preparers, are at the forefront of this culinary revolution. They report success with alternatives like 'shombo' (cayenne pepper) and 'tatashe' (red bell pepper), which provide the desired thickness and flavor in stews. Some have even discovered that cucumber can be an effective substitute when combined with other ingredients.

Social media platforms have become hubs for sharing these new recipes, with Nigerians exchanging tips on creating tomato-free sauces that closely mimic traditional flavors. Experts attribute the price surge to seasonal factors, as tomatoes struggle in rainy conditions. Additionally, high transportation costs due to fuel prices and middlemen fees contribute to the inflated market prices.

While these alternatives are currently necessary, industry experts suggest that prices may stabilize as the dry season approaches, bringing relief to consumers. Until then, Nigerian kitchens continue to showcase resilience and adaptability in the face of economic challenges.