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Nigerian man Joshua Temiofe Uzu exposes sister's long-term domestic abuse on social media. Husband allegedly beats wife since 2009, recently struck her with a pestle. The family seeks help for intervention.

A Nigerian man, Joshua Temiofe Uzu, has taken to social media to share disturbing details about his sister's alleged long-term abuse at the hands of her husband. In a series of tweets, Uzu revealed that his sister, Annabel Uzu, married Christopher Onyemali, a lawyer based in Asaba, in 2009. According to Uzu, the abuse began within a month of their wedding and has escalated over the years.

The situation reached a critical point when Annabel made a video call to her family's WhatsApp group, showing herself bleeding profusely. Uzu claims that his sister's husband had struck her on the head with a pestle in front of one of their five children.

Uzu expressed his anger and frustration, noting that he and his other siblings are currently outside Nigeria, while their elderly parents are unable to effectively handle the situation. He has made a public appeal for help, reaching out to Nigerian youths, government officials, and social activists to assist in bringing the alleged abuser to justice.

The revelation has sparked a range of reactions on social media. Many users have expressed sympathy and offered to help, with some suggesting contacts in relevant government agencies or police departments. However, others have questioned why the family allowed the abuse to continue for so long, given that it allegedly began in 2009.