Chidinma Guiness world record (2).jpg
Chidinma Modupe Okafor of Lagos, Nigeria, sets a new world record with a 72-hour crocheting marathon, crafting a stunning dinner gown. Her feat surpasses previous records, highlighting her lifelong passion and endurance in crochet.

Chidinma Modupe Okafor, a 30-year-old from Lagos, Nigeria, has shattered the world record for the longest crocheting marathon, completing an astonishing 72-hour session. Her feat surpassed the previous record of 34 hours and 7 minutes set in 2021 by Alessandra Hayden of the USA.

During her marathon, Chidinma meticulously crafted a stunning white dinner gown, showcasing her lifelong passion for crochet and dedication to pushing her limits. Crocheting since childhood, she embarked on this record attempt to highlight the artistry and endurance involved in the craft, aiming to raise awareness about its benefits.

To achieve her goal, Chidinma had to crochet continuously, with only brief breaks totaling two hours per day for rest, eating, and other necessities. Her preparation included rigorous training and mental conditioning to maintain a steady pace and minimize fatigue. Logistics, such as ensuring a steady supply of yarn, were crucial for the uninterrupted progress of her attempt.

Initially planning to crochet a wedding gown, Chidinma adapted her design during the marathon due to the physical demands and fatigue. She drew inspiration from fellow Nigerians who have broken world records, following in the footsteps of Hilda Baci, known for her longest cooking marathon.

Chidinma joins a growing list of Nigerians achieving remarkable feats, including record holders in singing, interviewing, and unique physical challenges. Her accomplishment not only sets a new benchmark in crocheting endurance but also underscores Nigeria’s growing presence in the world of record-breaking achievements.