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Bishop Matthew Kukah humorously urged Nigerians to learn the reintroduced national anthem, referencing pastors' prophecies about singing new songs.

The Archbishop of Sokoto Diocese, Bishop Matthew Kukah, has made headlines with his recent comments directed at Christians in Nigeria.

Speaking at a public function, Kukah humorously addressed those whose pastors had prophesied that they would "sing a new song" this year. He suggested that, given recent developments, they should learn the new national anthem instead.

This comment comes in the wake of President Tinubu's decision on May 29, 2024, to reintroduce Nigeria's old national anthem. Bishop Kukah's remarks have sparked a flurry of reactions on social media and beyond, reflecting the mixed feelings of Nigerians about the changes in their country.

A video of Bishop Kukah's speech was shared widely, where it garnered numerous comments. Some users found the humor in his statement, while others expressed frustration and anger.

One commenter, sarcastically suggested that those affected should "take their sub peacefully."

Another remarked, "Nigerian Pastors are right for the first time in their fraudulent career, we are all singing a new song."

Some comments reflected broader discontent with the current state of affairs, linking the national anthem change to political issues. "This old new song will not last in our tongues. This anthem is for APC and its cronies," one user commented, suggesting that even supporters of the ruling party are suffering.

Despite the mix of humor and frustration in the reactions, the underlying message is clear: many Nigerians are yearning for genuine change and leadership that addresses their real concerns.