VP Kashim Shettima commissioned the construction of a N15bn Vice President's mansion in Abuja, sparking public outrage. Originally budgeted at N7bn in 2010, the project's cost has doubled under President Bola Tinubu's administration

Vice President Kashim Shettima has commissioned the construction of the Vice President's residence in Abuja, a project that has seen significant changes since its initial approval. Originally sanctioned by the Federal Executive Council (FEC) in 2010 at a cost of N7 billion, the residence faced delays and was left unfinished by previous administrations.

Under President Bola Tinubu's administration, the project underwent a substantial review, resulting in a revised cost of N21 billion, more than doubling the initial budget.

This increase accounts for the modifications and updates needed to meet contemporary standards and requirements, underscoring the administration's commitment to providing adequate infrastructure for high-level officials.

The decision to complete the residence aims to ensure functionality and maintain standards befitting the office of the Vice President.

However, this development has sparked widespread reactions from Nigerians, who have expressed their dissatisfaction and concern over the timing and the prioritization of such an expenditure.

One Nigerian commented, "Nigerian politicians are wicked and unfeeling. There are no consequences for this wickedness so they will push this envelope till it tears. Commissioning a design when MSF is reporting an 'extraordinary increase in admissions of severely malnourished children?' God forbid."

Another remarked, "So wasteful. So unproductive. I feel this is the wrong time to do this. With everything happening, especially the 'new minimum wage' issue, this shows how insensitive these people are and don't really care."

Others shared similar sentiments, pointing out the perceived insensitivity of the government amid pressing national issues. "Nation of misplaced priorities," one said. Another added, "These people treat Nigerians like an animal farm. Milk us, use us, and when we complain/protest they either send the military against us or throw some crumbs to shut us up. This is not a way to live life, my people."

The inauguration of the VP residence project has clearly struck a nerve, highlighting the ongoing disconnect between the government's actions and the public's expectations and needs.
