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Nigerian footballer Kayode Olanrewaju faces personal turmoil amid allegations his children are not biologically his and his wife committed adultery. The revelations have shocked the football and religious communities. Kayode seeks legal advice, while fans rally in support, hoping he finds resolution and peace during this challenging time.

Nigerian international footballer Kayode Olanrewaju, known for his stint at Manchester City, is facing a personal crisis as reports emerge questioning the paternity of his three children. Allegations have surfaced that his wife, Dora Ezinne Kayode, deceived him about her age and committed adultery, possibly with prominent pastor Tobi Adegboyega.

This shocking revelation has rocked both the football and religious communities, with Kayode reportedly in emotional distress. He claims that Dora, who is seven years older than she had stated, defrauded him and committed infidelity. The news has led to significant public and media attention, with various reactions flooding social media.

Friends and close associates have shown their support, but the betrayal has left Kayode devastated. Legal experts suggest potential financial and custodial ramifications if the allegations prove true. The former Premier League star is seeking legal counsel to navigate this complicated situation.

Fans and supporters have rallied behind Kayode, offering encouragement during this challenging time. As the story continues to unfold, the football community in Nigeria and beyond is closely monitoring the developments, hoping for a resolution that allows Kayode to find peace and rebuild his life.