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The Accountant-General's Office of the Federation (AGF) has come under intense scrutiny as Nigerians express outrage over its decision to hold a financial management workshop in London. The summit, focusing on Public Financial Management and International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), took place at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in Kensington from March 4 to March 9, 2024.

The move has sparked widespread criticism from Nigerians, with many questioning the logic of hosting such an event abroad. On various social media platforms, reactions poured in, highlighting concerns about wasteful spending and the lack of cost-effective alternatives.

Users questioned the need for conducting a workshop on financial management in a foreign country, emphasizing the irony of seeking international financial expertise while facing economic challenges domestically.

Some Nigerians expressed frustration, suggesting that such workshops could be conducted virtually or facilitated within the country to save costs. The criticism gained momentum as citizens drew attention to the financial constraints the nation is currently facing, particularly with the ongoing foreign exchange crisis.

The AGF's justification, citing the annual nature of the event and the residency of facilitators in the UK, did little to assuage public discontent. As calls for greater accountability and prudent resource management resonate, the AGF's London workshop has become a focal point for discussions on responsible governance and the need for cost-effective measures within the country.