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Influencer Danny Walters ignited a social media firestorm by questioning the existence of God, asserting that there is no proof of a divine being. Nigerians reacted passionately, with many defending their faith and criticizing Walters for his provocative stance.

Influencer Danny Walters has stirred controversy with his recent statement questioning the existence of God. In a provocative tweet, Walters declared, "There’s no proof that God exists. God has nothing to do with being poor or rich." This bold assertion has sparked a heated debate on social media, with many Nigerians expressing their disbelief and challenging his perspective.

Social media reactions have been swift and varied. Some users questioned how something that supposedly doesn't exist can be named and involved in discussions about wealth and poverty. Others criticized Walters for lacking the intellectual rigor to be an atheist, suggesting that his statement was more about seeking attention than a well-thought-out philosophical stance. Some comments dismissed Walters as not intelligent enough to be agnostic or atheist, while others suggested that his views stemmed from personal grievances rather than genuine disbelief.

Many users defended the existence of God, sharing personal experiences and beliefs that affirm their faith. They highlighted how divine intervention has played a role in their lives, especially during challenging times. Some urged others not to let religion confuse them about God's existence, while others pointed out the fallacy in Walters' logic by stating that even the Devil acknowledges God's existence.

The overall sentiment on social media leans towards skepticism of Walters' motives and a strong defense of religious beliefs. Despite Walters' controversial statement, the reactions demonstrate a deep-rooted belief in God among many Nigerians, underscoring the complexity of faith in a predominantly religious society.