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National Security Adviser Mallam Nuhu Ribadu disclosed that many weapons used by terrorists originated from the Federal Government. Speaking at an arms destruction event, he highlighted internal corruption and external threats as major concerns for national security. Over 2,400 illicit weapons were destroyed to combat violence and crime.

During an Arms Destruction Exercise in Abuja, National Security Adviser (NSA) Mallam Nuhu Ribadu revealed that many of the illicit firearms wielded by terrorists and bandits were originally government-owned. He emphasized that corruption within security agencies allowed these weapons to fall into the wrong hands.

Ribadu stated, “The worst human being is a policeman or a soldier who will take arms from his formations and sell it or hide it out for the bad people to come and kill his colleagues.” He stressed the importance of addressing both internal corruption and external threats posed by “merchants of death and evil.”

The NSA reassured that the federal government is committed to enhancing national security and eliminating illicit arms from circulation. He highlighted the significance of the destruction exercise, which is part of broader efforts to mitigate the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, a key factor contributing to violence, insurgency, and banditry in Nigeria.

Director-General of the National Centre for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (NCCSALW), Johnson Kokumo, noted that over 2,400 illicit weapons, including unserviceable and recovered arms, were set to be destroyed in this exercise. This initiative aims to reduce risks to communities and reaffirm Nigeria’s zero-tolerance policy toward illegal trafficking and possession of firearms.

The destruction of these weapons is part of a series of efforts to ensure a safer future for all Nigerians, as the government remains dedicated to tackling security challenges effectively.