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Nigeria removes five oil blocks from the 2024 licensing round due to legal disputes. NUPRC confirms withdrawal of PPL3008, PPL3009, PML51, PPL267, and PPL268. Decision impacts originally announced 12-block offering. The move highlights legal complexities in Nigeria's oil sector and may affect investment attraction in the industry.

The Nigerian Federal Government has made a significant adjustment to its 2024 oil licensing round, withdrawing five oil blocks from the process. This decision, confirmed by the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC), comes in response to ongoing legal disputes surrounding these assets.

Initially, the NUPRC had announced 12 oil blocks for bidding in the 2024 round, showcased during an international roadshow in Miami. However, the recent circular from the Commission reveals that nearly half of these blocks have been removed from consideration.

The affected assets are identified as PPL3008, PPL3009, PML51, PPL267, and PPL268. While the NUPRC acknowledged that these blocks are subject to various litigation, specific details about the legal challenges or the parties involved were not disclosed.

This adjustment to the licensing round may affect Nigeria's plans for expanding its oil production capacity and attracting new investments in the sector. It remains to be seen how this reduction in available blocks will influence the overall success of the 2024 licensing round and its impact on Nigeria's oil industry.

As the process continues, industry observers will be watching closely to see how the Nigerian government navigates these challenges and what steps it might take to resolve the legal issues surrounding the withdrawn blocks.