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Hundreds of thousands of Israelis protested nationwide, demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza following the discovery of six hostages found murdered. Organized by the Hostage Families Forum and a labor union, the demonstrations reflect public outrage and calls for government accountability in ongoing conflict resolutions.

On Sunday, Israel witnessed one of its largest protests in recent history, as approximately 500,000 demonstrators rallied across various cities, calling for an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict with Gaza. The protests were ignited by the tragic discovery of six hostages found dead in Gaza, a situation that has heightened tensions in the region.

Organized by the Hostage Families Forum in collaboration with Israel's largest labor union, the demonstrations included emotional displays, with protesters carrying coffins symbolizing the deceased hostages. In Tel Aviv, crowds blocked major roadways and set fires, signaling their outrage and grief.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed that the bodies of the hostages—Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Ori Danino—were discovered in a tunnel in southern Gaza. Post-mortem examinations revealed that the hostages had been shot at close range, with their deaths occurring just days before their bodies were recovered.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned Hamas for the killings, asserting that the group was undermining ceasefire efforts. In contrast, a senior Hamas official attributed the deaths to Israeli and U.S. actions, arguing that the hostages would still be alive had Israel accepted a ceasefire proposal in July. As protests continued, demonstrators criticized Netanyahu for allegedly prioritizing his political agenda over the safety of hostages.