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Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested at Bourget airport near Paris on August 24. He faces a preliminary investigation related to moderation issues on the messaging app. Durov, who holds dual French and UAE citizenship, is expected to appear in court following his arrest.

Pavel Durov, the Russian-French billionaire and founder of the Telegram messaging app, was arrested on August 24 at Bourget airport near Paris. Durov was reportedly apprehended at around 8 PM local time while traveling in his private jet. His arrest stems from an ongoing preliminary police investigation concerning a lack of moderation on Telegram, which authorities believe has facilitated criminal activity on the platform. Durov is set to appear in court soon.

Telegram, with nearly one billion users, is particularly influential in Russia and the former Soviet republics. Durov holds dual citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates, living in Dubai where Telegram is based. His estimated wealth is around $15.5 billion, according to Forbes. Durov previously left Russia in 2014 after refusing to comply with government demands to shut down opposition groups on his former social media platform, VK.

The news of Durov's arrest has sparked various reactions on social media. Some users express concern over government actions against platforms promoting free speech, while others find humor in the situation, noting that no one is above the law in the West. Comments range from confusion over his decision to travel to a country known for targeting Russians to playful remarks about potential future arrests of other tech moguls. The incident highlights ongoing tensions surrounding digital freedom and government oversight in the tech space.