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The funeral of veteran actor John Okafor, known as Mr. Ibu, is held in Enugu. After battling illness and having a leg amputated, he passed away in March 2024. Nigerians react with sorrow and admiration, remembering his humor and legacy in the entertainment industry.

The funeral for veteran actor John Okafor, widely known as Mr. Ibu, is underway in Enugu, following his death on March 2. Last October, he publicly sought financial help due to his prolonged illness, and in November, his family revealed that one of his legs was amputated to save his life.

Nigerians have reacted emotionally to the news, with many expressing their sorrow and admiration for the comic legend. Social media is flooded with tributes, remembering Mr. Ibu for his humor and the joy he brought to countless fans. Some users have criticized the industry's lack of support for artists in their final days, while others noted the simplicity of his burial, expressing disappointment at the absence of elaborate fanfare and the presence of industry colleagues.

Despite the mixed reactions, the overwhelming sentiment is one of deep loss and appreciation for Mr. Ibu's contributions to the entertainment industry. His passing leaves a significant void, and fans, colleagues, and family members are paying their respects at the funeral ceremony.