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Cameroon's presidency has denied rumors of President Paul Biya's death, labeling them as malicious. Samuel Ayolo, director of the civil cabinet, confirmed that Biya, 91, is alive and working from Geneva, despite ongoing health concerns. His long tenure raises questions about political stability in Cameroon.

The Cameroonian presidency has firmly denied rumors of President Paul Biya's death, labeling the reports as malicious. Biya, who is 91, has been absent from public view since his return from China on September 8, leading to speculation about his health. His cancellations of appearances at significant international events heightened concerns, particularly after ABS Africa TV reported his death.

Samuel Ayolo, the director of the presidency’s civil cabinet, stated that these claims are unfounded and reassured the public about Biya's health, insisting he is working from Geneva, where he has been since leaving Beijing. He condemned those spreading false information and emphasized the need for responsible communication.

Biya has faced health challenges, including heart issues and memory problems, and has received treatment in Switzerland for prostate cancer, which reportedly worsened over the years. His long tenure, which began in 1982, has been marked by allegations of electoral fraud and economic hardship in Cameroon.

As one of the world’s longest-serving leaders, Biya's potential absence raises concerns about political stability. Analysts warn that without a clear succession plan, his death could lead to unrest in a country already facing regional instability from coups in neighboring nations.