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Oliver Bromley, a 42-year-old man with Neurofibromatosis Type 1, was asked to leave a London restaurant for allegedly "scaring customers." This incident highlights ongoing discrimination against individuals with visible differences. Bromley advocates for better awareness and education in the hospitality sector to prevent similar situations.

A 42-year-old man, Oliver Bromley, faced discrimination at a London restaurant due to his facial disfigurement caused by Neurofibromatosis Type 1. After he attempted to order lunch, staff informed him that other customers had complained, prompting them to ask him to leave. Bromley, who was receiving treatment at a nearby hospital, expressed his shock at being asked to exit without having even sat down.

The incident left him devastated, highlighting the ongoing stigma faced by individuals with visible differences. Bromley has called for increased education in the hospitality industry to combat ignorance surrounding conditions like his. Charity Nerve Tumours UK, which advocates for individuals with neurofibromatosis, confirmed that such experiences are sadly common and has initiated discussions with UKHospitality to improve awareness among restaurant staff.

After the incident, Bromley reported the matter to the Metropolitan Police, who acknowledged it as a hate crime. He expressed a desire to educate others about his condition rather than seek revenge, emphasizing that awareness could prevent similar situations in the future. Bromley hopes his experience can spark positive change, stressing the importance of understanding and compassion for those living with disabilities. As he works towards greater awareness, Bromley remains optimistic that his story can help break down barriers and reduce discrimination faced by individuals with disfigurements.