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Pastor Enoch Adeboye emphasizes the importance of romance in Christian marriages, urging couples not to let spiritual responsibilities overshadow their conjugal duties. He shares personal examples and biblical references to encourage couples to maintain affection, reminding them that romance and faith are not mutually exclusive in a healthy marriage.

Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, has reminded Christian couples that their faith should not diminish the importance of romance in their marriages. In a post on his X account, Adeboye emphasized that spirituality and romance are not mutually exclusive in a Christian marriage.

He shared that he and his wife, Foluke, still use pet names when they are alone, underscoring that love and affection should remain strong even with spiritual responsibilities. Adeboye urged couples not to let their roles as Christians or spiritual leaders take away from their relationship.

Citing the example of Isaac and Rebekah from the Bible, Adeboye said that being anointed does not eliminate the need for affection and romance. He encouraged couples to spend quality time together, go on dates, and reignite the connection they had before marriage and children.

Adeboye also recommended simple gestures like leaving loving notes, using affectionate names, and surprising one another with thoughtful actions. These small efforts, he advised, can help keep the romance alive in a marriage, making it feel like "heaven on earth."

Adeboye concluded by urging couples to stay intentional about their relationship, reminding them that maintaining romance is a key aspect of a healthy and fulfilling marriage.