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NBA President Yakubu Maikyau clarifies that the Samoa Agreement doesn't require Nigeria to accept LGBTQ rights. The agreement respects Nigerian laws and sovereignty. NBA calls for public education on the agreement's true content to counter negative narratives. Stakeholders are urged to help inform the public accurately.

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has officially addressed concerns surrounding the Samoa Agreement, recently signed by the Federal Government. NBA President Yakubu Maikyau clarified that the agreement does not require Nigeria to endorse or accept LGBTQ rights, contrary to circulating rumors. Maikyau emphasized that the Samoa Agreement respects Nigeria's sovereignty and existing laws, including the Same-Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act of 2023. He assured that the NBA would have advised against signing if the agreement contradicted any Nigerian laws.

The NBA president called for continued public enlightenment on the agreement's true content. He noted that negative narratives are being propagated along sensitive lines of faith, culture, and morality, necessitating caution and proper education.

Maikyau stated, "There is no provision in the SAMOA agreement which requires Nigeria to accept or in any way recognize LGBTQ or gay rights, either as a pre-condition for a loan of USD 150 Billion or at all." He added that the agreement explicitly recognizes local laws and the sovereignty of contracting nations.

This clarification comes amid widespread debate and concern over the implications of the Samoa Agreement for Nigeria's cultural and legal landscape. The NBA's position provides a legal perspective on the agreement, potentially easing public concerns while emphasizing the need for accurate information dissemination.