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Pop star Justin Timberlake faces backlash after DUI arrest in Sag Harbor. Fans criticize his actions, questioning his responsibility. Social media explodes with memes and comments on his past controversies. Timberlake, known for hits like "SexyBack," faces legal consequences amid his ongoing tour.

Pop star Justin Timberlake was arrested for driving while intoxicated in Sag Harbor, triggering a wave of reactions from fans and the public. The 43-year-old singer was taken into custody after allegedly driving through a stop sign and failing sobriety tests, according to Suffolk County prosecutors. Timberlake, known for hits like “SexyBack,” claimed he had only one martini.

Fans on social media expressed disappointment and criticism, with many pointing out past controversies involving Timberlake's interactions with other celebrities and accusations of cultural appropriation.

Some fans joked about the situation, suggesting Timberlake might use his mugshot for his next album cover. Despite his fame from NSYNC and successful solo career, Timberlake's arrest has brought renewed scrutiny and discussion about his public image and past controversies. His court appearance is scheduled for July 26, while reactions on social media continue to reflect a mix of disappointment and humor.