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Taiwo Oyedele, Chairman of the Presidential Committee on Fiscal Policy, urges Nigerians to stop saying "May Nigeria never happen to you," suggesting instead, "May Nigeria work for me." He believes the worst economic challenges are behind us, highlighting the positive impact of recent reforms, including subsidy removal.

Taiwo Oyedele, Chairman of the Presidential Committee on Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms, has criticized the phrase "May Nigeria not happen to you," which many Nigerians use to express their frustration with the country's economic struggles and systemic corruption.

Speaking at an event organized by Covenant Nation, Oyedele urged Nigerians to adopt a more positive perspective, suggesting the phrase "May Nigeria work for me" instead. He explained that while the country faces challenges, particularly in the wake of economic reforms that have increased the cost of living, the situation is improving. He believes that the worst is behind the country, citing data that suggests the country's economic trajectory is on the right path.

Oyedele defended the government's decision to remove subsidies, stating that it was a necessary step for the nation's long-term growth. He argued that the previous economic realities, such as a devalued exchange rate and artificially low petrol prices, were unsustainable. Comparing Nigeria's situation to that of other countries facing their challenges, he emphasized that no nation is perfect.

He encouraged Nigerians to shift their mindset, pointing out that while the country has its issues, it is not beyond hope. Oyedele's message was one of optimism, urging citizens to believe in the potential for progress and prosperity in the nation's future.