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As of today, the exchange rates for the Nigerian Naira (NGN) are as follows:
  • 💵 1 USD ⇛ ₦1,402
  • 💷 1 GBP ⇛ ₦1,660
  • 💶 1 EUR ⇛ ₦1,445
  • 💶 1 CAD ⇛ ₦970
The performance of the Naira in the foreign exchange market remains a point of concern for many Nigerians. With fluctuations in the exchange rates, there are mixed sentiments about the currency's trajectory. While some express optimism about the Naira's attempts to rebound, others remain skeptical about its sustained stability.

Amidst hopes for improvement and concerns about the fluctuating rates, Nigerians continue to closely monitor the exchange rate dynamics for any signs of stability or further fluctuations. Stay tuned for ongoing updates on the Naira's performance in the forex market.