Naira-and-Dollars (2) (1).png
The Nigerian Naira has appreciated by 0.6% against the dollar, trading at N1,607.15 in the official market. Data from the FMDQ Exchange shows a gain of N9.93 from the previous rate. At the Investor’s and Exporter’s window, the Naira ranges between N1,620.50 and N1,570.00.

The Nigerian Naira has recently appreciated by 0.6% against the US dollar at the official market. The Naira now trades at N1,607.15 to the dollar, reflecting a notable improvement from its previous rate of N1,617.08 recorded on August 2.

This 0.61% gain, amounting to an increase of N9.93, highlights a positive shift in the exchange rate. According to data from the FMDQ Exchange, which monitors the Nigerian Autonomous Foreign Exchange Market (NAFEM), the Naira’s value has stabilized, with current trading at the Investor’s and Exporter’s (I&E) window ranging between N1,620.50 and N1,570.00 against the dollar.

This appreciation indicates a potential easing of the currency's previous downward pressure and could signal improved market confidence. The official market’s fluctuations are closely monitored as they impact various sectors, including trade and foreign investments, providing insights into Nigeria's economic health.