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A student at Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo State, was beaten to death by peers over alleged phone theft. University officials expelled the involved students and handed them to police, emphasizing zero tolerance for misconduct. The institution affirmed no cult involvement and committed to a safe learning environment.

A tragic incident occurred at Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo State, where a student identified as Alex was beaten to death by his colleagues over allegations of stealing a mobile phone. The incident began around 10 p.m. on Friday when students discovered that Alex had allegedly stolen a phone and transferred money from it to another account. Enraged, his peers attacked him, with video clips showing the brutal beating and calls for more severe punishment. Thrown out of the hostel that evening, Alex was found dead the next morning.

The university swiftly responded by expelling the students involved in the assault and handing them over to the police for investigation. Femi Atoyebi, the institution's Public Relations Officer, clarified in a statement that the incident was not related to cult activities, emphasizing the university's zero-tolerance policy for anti-social behavior. He noted that the students failed to report the theft to university authorities, resulting in the unfortunate death due to their uncontrolled emotions.

Atoyebi assured that the university is committed to maintaining a safe and peaceful learning environment and promised that justice would be served for the deceased student. The university’s prompt actions highlight its dedication to upholding discipline and ensuring the well-being of its students.