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Minister Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye's threat to sue the United Nations (UN) over alleged mismanagement of donor funds for Nigeria remains shrouded in uncertainty. Three months since the minister's stern warning, no lawsuit has been initiated, and the promised lawsuit number has yet to be disclosed.

Kennedy-Ohanenye accused the UN of obtaining funds on behalf of Nigeria without proper accountability during a press conference on October 16, 2023. Despite the lack of specifics regarding the funds or their purpose, the minister demanded transparency and an apology to the Nigerian public.

TheCable highlighted the UN's immunity from legal actions, citing the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations. Despite this legal barrier, the minister vowed to proceed with legal action and assured Nigerians of a lawsuit number by November 15, 2023.

As of now, the minister has not fulfilled this promise, and attempts to reach her or her office for confirmation on legal proceedings against the UN have proven unsuccessful. Kennedy-Ohanenye's prolonged silence raises questions about the status of the threatened lawsuit and the potential consequences for diplomatic relations between Nigeria and the UN.

The minister's unresponsiveness to calls and messages adds an air of mystery to the situation, leaving both domestic and international observers awaiting clarity on the fate of this unresolved standoff between Nigeria and the UN.