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An investigative report by UDEME has unearthed a scandal involving Jonathan Gaza, a three-term member of the House of Representatives, and the Lower Benue River Basin Development Agency (LBRBDA), casting shadows over the transparency and execution of constituency projects in Nigeria.

Gaza's nomination of a project aimed at constructing a rehabilitation and integration center for drug abuse victims in Keffi, Nasarawa State, purportedly worth N30 million, has come under intense scrutiny following revelations of deceptive practices. Instead of erecting a new structure as outlined in the budget, Gaza and LBRBDA collaborated to refurbish an existing building, raising questions about the authenticity of the project and the integrity of its implementation.

The investigative journey initiated by UDEME, a social accountability project of the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID), began with a review of budget allocations and contract awards. Despite the project being labeled as a new construction endeavor, subsequent inquiries revealed discrepancies in the execution process.

Efforts to locate the purported construction site proved arduous, with vague project descriptions and a lack of visible progress hindering progress. Residents of Keffi were largely unaware of any ongoing construction for a rehabilitation center, adding to the growing skepticism surrounding the project's legitimacy.

Upon discovering ongoing renovations at a facility along Government College Road in Keffi, initially unrelated to Gaza's project, suspicions intensified. Further investigations unveiled the true nature of the endeavor—a renovation of an existing structure, not the construction of a new facility as stipulated in the budget.

Attempts to ascertain accountability and transparency were met with evasion and misinformation from Gaza's aides, underscoring the challenges faced in holding officials accountable for their actions. The discrepancy between the project's intended scope and its actual execution raised concerns about the misappropriation of funds and misleading representations to the public.

In response to queries regarding the project's status, LBRBDA maintained the false narrative of constructing a development center, despite evidence suggesting otherwise. The agency's response further fueled doubts about the integrity of the entire process, highlighting systemic issues within the implementation of constituency projects.

The scandal surrounding Gaza's constituency project reflects broader concerns regarding the transparency and efficacy of governance in Nigeria

Source: Premium Times