A heartwarming story from India has gained attention on social media as an Indian father, Prem Gupta, celebrated his divorced daughter's return home with a lavish party. Sakshi Gupta, who had been suffering abuse from her husband and in-laws, made the courageous decision to end her marriage. Her father, in a reversal of customs, organized a grand Baraat procession to welcome her back, complete with drums and celebratory fireworks.

Prem Gupta's statement after the party has touched hearts and is now going viral. He emphasized the importance of welcoming daughters back home with respect and dignity when marriages end, acknowledging the preciousness of daughters.

Sakshi's marriage had been troubled from the start, with her husband concealing important details about his past marriages. Despite her efforts to make the marriage work, the harassment from her husband and in-laws only intensified. When her father learned about her predicament, he supported her in filing for divorce and celebrated her return with great pomp and pageantry.

The heartwarming video of Sakshi's welcome party and her father's message have garnered widespread praise and support on social media, highlighting the need to stand by daughters when they make difficult decisions to leave abusive situation