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Actress Toyin Tomato advises women to remain in their marriages, regardless of their husbands' behavior. Speaking during a Zoom meeting, she emphasizes the importance of enduring challenges and protecting oneself, while sparking a debate about marriage dynamics and generational differences in understanding love and respect in relationships.

In a recent Zoom meeting, actress Toyin Tomato offered controversial advice to women, urging them to stay in their marriages regardless of their husbands' behavior. Speaking in Yoruba, she emphasized that leaving could lead to regrets later when children seek parental involvement in significant life events. According to her, a man's future demands for his wife during such moments could complicate relationships.

Toyin noted that women might think of leaving, but she advised against it, suggesting that those contemplating separation often face challenges in future romantic endeavors. She recommended patience and suggested that women should protect themselves while enduring difficulties in marriage. The actress humorously mentioned a friend who hands her husband condoms before his travels, highlighting the complexities of trust and infidelity in relationships.

Moreover, Toyin urged men to view their wives as foundational partners, similar to how women often see their husbands. She asserted that men might misinterpret women's actions, emphasizing the importance of understanding in marriage dynamics.

The actress's comments have sparked mixed reactions online, with many women challenging her perspective. Critics argue that staying in abusive or unhappy marriages can lead to detrimental mental and physical health consequences. They highlight a generational shift towards valuing love and respect in relationships, urging a reevaluation of the traditional views on marriage that Toyin espouses.