alcohol abuse

  1. Lost in the Smoke: How Nigeria's Youth Are Risking Their Futures for a Trend Our Healthcare System Can't Support

    Addiction & Recovery Lost in the Smoke: How Nigeria's Youth Are Risking Their Futures for a Trend Our Healthcare System Can't Support

    Nigeria's youth are increasingly embracing a culture of drug and alcohol abuse, heavily influenced by creative scenes and pop stars as well as Western media that glamorize excess. Unlike countries with strong healthcare systems, Nigeria's healthcare is ill-equipped to handle the inevitable...
  2. naija questions

    General Health This Is Why Getting Drunk Gives Some People Diarrhea – Tonic

    I rarely drink to excess these days because when I do, bad things happen. On one memorable-yet-unrememberable occasion in 2013, I took shameless advantage of an open bar at a birthday party. Some nine hours later, I woke up with a raging headache, a sprained ankle, a voicemail from a … Read...
  3. naija questions

    General Health Even drinking a little each day ups your risk of early death – Futurity

    Drinking a daily glass of wine for health reasons may not be so healthy after all, a new study suggests. Analyzing data from more than 400,000 people ages 18 to 85, the researchers found … Read more via Futurity ]
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    Metro Harmful use of alcohol killed over 3 million people – WHO – Punch Newspapers

    The World Health Organisation has said that more than 3 million people died as a result of harmful use of alcohol in 2016. WHO said the total number represents one in 20 deaths, of which more than three quarters... Read more via Punch Newspapers – Get More Nigeria...
  5. naija questions

    General Health Which Is Worse For Your Health, Marijuana or Alcohol? Here’s The Science – ScienceAlert

    Which is worse for you: weed or whiskey? It’s a tough call, but based on the science, there appears to be a clear winner. Keep in mind that there are dozens of factors to account for, including how the substances affect your heart, brain, and behaviour, and how likely you … Read more via...
  6. naija questions

    General Health Drinking Alcohol Can Raise Cancer Risk. How Much Is Too Much? –

    A little bit of alcohol has been shown to be protective of heart health. But how does drinking influence cancer risk? A new study finds that light drinkers have the lowest combined risk of developing cancer and dying prematurely — even lower than people who don't drink at all. But here's the...
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    New alcoholic drinks, tobacco excise duty kicks off Monday, June 4 - News

    New excise duty for alcoholic beverages and tobacco earlier approved by President Muhammadu Buhari will take effect from Monday, June 4. The new excise duty rates would spread over.... Read more via News – Get More Nigeria Metro News