Felix Morka, APC spokesperson, reveals receiving over 200 death threats following his response to Peter Obi's New Year message. Morka denies threatening Obi, stating the threats are a result of Obi's accusations. He has reported the threats to law enforcement, seeking justice for his family’s...
Felix Morka, APC spokesperson, denies Peter Obi's claim of a life threat. Morka criticizes Obi for spreading misinformation and fostering a mob mentality among his supporters. He asserts that Obi's claims are false and urges him to be responsible with his public statements, emphasizing the need...
The All Progressives Congress APC is set to unveil a former Minister of Sports, Bolaji Abdullahi as its substantive National Publicity Secretary.
Abdullahi, from Kwara state and an ally of Senate President Bukola Saraki and former vice president, Atiku Abubakar served as minister under the...
bolaji abdullahi
former minister of sports
lai mohammed
national publicity secretary
nigeria news
vanguard newspaper
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