TAMI, comprising Damilola and Toyosi, were the first housemates evicted from Big Brother Naija Season 9. The pair faced eviction after landing in the bottom four of the public poll and being voted out by their housemates. The show, featuring 28 contestants, promises twists and intense...
BBNaija contestant Rhuthee warns Mayor Frosh against treating her as a "plan B" in a recent confrontation. Expressing frustration over his apparent preference for Nelly, Rhuthee emphasizes her value and worth, despite her cosmetic enhancements. The reality show's drama continues as it progresses...
Team Beta (Tjay and Ben) secured immunity from eviction in BBNaija Season 9 after winning the nomination challenge, which required balancing ping-pong balls on an obstacle course. Meanwhile, the Mbadiwe Twins and other pairs face potential eviction. The show runs until October 6, with a N100...
The ninth season of Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) debuted with 28 housemates in 14 pairs, competing for ₦100 million and an SUV. Hosted by Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, the "No Loose Guard" season features diverse duos including friends, family, and partners. The first Head of House challenge is set for...
Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) Season 9 premieres on July 28, 2024, featuring paired contestants for the first time. With a grand prize of N100 million, new Head of House challenges, and Toke Makinwa hosting "The Buzz," this season promises unprecedented excitement. Ebuka Obi-Uchendu returns as the...
Big Brother Naija star Uriel Oputa recently stirred controversy by declaring her desire for Burna Boy to choke her, sparking mixed reactions online. Her bold statement highlights the complexities of celebrity influence and public discourse, as fans and critics alike weigh in on her explicit...
BBNaija's Erica sparks controversy after British Airways allegedly downgrades her business class ticket to economy. She vents frustration on Instagram Live, accusing staff of unfair treatment.
BBNaija star Erica took to Instagram Live to express her frustration after British Airways allegedly...
New tax regulations in Nigeria, effective October 1, 2024, exempt winnings from games and reality shows promoting innovation and education from withholding tax. This move aims to stimulate national development in key sectors.
The Federal Ministry of Finance in Nigeria has announced new tax...
Whitemoney, a Big Brother Naija contestant, shares his story of living under a bridge in Lagos while studying cosmetology and resisting the temptation of a wealthy married woman’s offer. His adherence to personal morals despite desperate circumstances highlights his integrity.
Whitemoney, a...
BBNaija's Daniella Peters recounts a near-kidnapping incident in Abuja during an inDrive ride, highlighting safety concerns with Nigerian ride-hailing services.
Daniella Peters, a participant from Big Brother Naija, recounted a harrowing experience in Abuja where she narrowly escaped a...
Former Big Brother Naija star Saga publicly accuses fellow contestant Khalid of unpaid debt on Instagram, igniting social media discussions. Saga's post labels Khalid as a liar and thief for non-payment, prompting online sympathy and curiosity over the unresolved financial dispute.
Former Big...
Phyna, the winner of Big Brother Naija Season 7, has tearfully demanded the payment of her 1 BTC prize money, worth over N100 million, from the show organizers, accusing them of withholding her full winnings.
In an emotional video circulating on social media, Phyna, the winner of the seventh...
BBNaija star Tacha Akide stuns at the AMVCA with her $100,000 attire, sparking a social media frenzy.
Big Brother Naija alumna, Tacha Akide, ignited a social media frenzy with her attire at the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards (AMVCA), held on May 11 at Lagos State's Eko Hotels and Suites...
In the spotlight, BBN's Phyna faces backlash for her sponsored Maldives vacation, drawing attention due to past criticism of women's body flaunting. Social media erupts with mixed reactions as netizens question her previous stance, igniting debates on hypocrisy and self-expression.
Miracle Ikechukwu Igbokwe, the winner of BBNaija's Double Wahala season, achieved a significant milestone on April 26 as he graduated with distinction from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
The reality TV star shared a video capturing the moment he climbed the stage to receive his...
In the aftermath of a disturbing video depicting a student being bullied at Lead British International School in Abuja, Tacha addressed the public outcry on her social media platform on April 23, 2024.
In her statement, Tacha criticized social media users for their selective outrage...
Popular Nigerian singer Timaya has sparked varied reactions online after his facial expression was caught on camera inside the studio with BBNaija winner, Whitemoney.
In the video, Timaya was seen alongside reality TV star Whitemoney and a group of music crew members in what appeared to be a...
DJ TolaniBaj's statement on her podcast, "Bahd and Boujee Podcast," advising men not to visit nightclubs unless they have 7-15 million Naira to spend, sparked a wave of reactions from Nigerians across social media.
Many expressed disbelief and frustration at what they saw as unrealistic and...
BBNaija season 7 winner, Phyna, took to social media to express her frustration over unpaid debts from the show organizers. In her tweet, she lamented not receiving all her prizes and money, adding a touch of sarcasm with emojis and the phrase "New show."
This revelation sparked reactions from...
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