Boko Haram militants attacked a military base in Malam-Fatori, Borno, killing a battalion commander and 19 soldiers. The assault follows similar attacks in Borno, including the killing of 20 fishermen in Bama. The ongoing insurgency demands urgent action from the Nigerian government and military...
Boko Haram terrorists ambushed Nigerian military troops in Baga, Borno State, while they were attempting to recover the bodies of 40 civilians killed by the insurgents. Several soldiers and civilians have gone missing, and casualties remain unconfirmed. The attack follows a deadly incident in...
The Nigerian military confirmed the death of six soldiers and the elimination of 34 terrorists in Borno State on January 4, 2025. The terrorists attacked a Forward Operating Base, retaliating for the killing of their commander. The military foiled the attack with timely reinforcements and air...
Five Nigerian soldiers were killed in an ISWAP ambush in Borno’s Damboa area. A two-hour firefight led to casualties and military equipment losses. In retaliation, the Nigerian Air Force launched precision airstrikes, dismantling ISWAP positions and neutralizing terrorists in the Timbuktu...
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