cancer symptoms

  1. Nigeria News

    Metro Hope rises for cancer cure as vaccine made from patients’ tumours ‘stops’ relapse - The Cable
  2. naija questions

    General Health 30 Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore –

    Stomach bloating Ovarian, pancreatic, stomach, colon, liver, uterine, and breast cancers could all cause severe abdominal bloating. “With ovarian cancer, not only can tumours grow quite large, but they can result in fluid growing around them, which can cause pretty dramatic abdominal...
  3. J

    Video 8 Colon Cancer Symptoms In Women - Women's Health

    Colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The National Cancer Institute estimates that 140,250 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2018 and that 50,630 will die from it—but it's also highly...