cnbc articles

  1. naija questions

    I retired at 34 with $3 million—here are 5 downsides of early retirement that no one tells you – CNBC

    Many people have negative views on young retirees: They’re spoiled. They’re lazy. Their parents helped them. They won the lottery. But none of these things apply to me. I grew up in a middle-income household. I worked hard to earn good grades and pay for college. I was the first … Read more...
  2. naija questions

    How to set your Google account to delete itself after you die – CNBC

    If you use Gmail, Maps, Search and other Google products, chances are the company has a lot of information about you stored on its servers. You can set up some options, including giving control to a spouse, or deleting everything … Read more via CNBC
  3. naija questions

    Family Health My wife and I have been married 50 years, and we’ve never had a single fight about money—here’s our secret – CNBC

    My wife and I got married in 1968, and in the 50-plus years we’ve been together, we’ve never had a single fight about money. There were deliberations, but never any fights. I get asked all the time: "How do you do it?" The secret, I tell them, can be summed … Read more via CNBC...
  4. naija questions

    Self-made millionaire: 5 money mistakes young people make that destroy their chances of getting rich – CNBC

    There isn’t a single generation that hasn’t had money problems. But the sad truth is that millennials are struggling financially more than any other generation since the Great Depression. I get it, though. We live in a different world now. Things are more expensive. College debt sucks. Finding...