
  1. University of Michigan Links Sugary Drinks to Reduced Lifespan

    Nigeria University of Michigan Links Sugary Drinks to Reduced Lifespan

    A University of Michigan study reveals that drinking a can of Coca-Cola may reduce lifespan by 12 minutes. Researchers emphasize the health risks of sugary drinks, urging consumers to opt for healthier alternatives to combat chronic diseases and improve life expectancy. A recent study from...
  2. Coca-Cola Defends Packaging Practices Against FCCPC Allegations

    Nigeria Coca-Cola Defends Packaging Practices Against FCCPC Allegations

    Coca-Cola Nigeria has responded to the FCCPC's warning, asserting that its packaging meets national regulations and provides clear product information. The FCCPC had accused Coca-Cola of misleading marketing practices concerning their "Original Taste" and "Original Taste, Less Sugar" variants...
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    Business Elon Musk says he wants to buy Coca-Cola to ‘put the cocaine back in’ – Business Insider
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    Vacancy Latest Vacancies at the Coca-Cola Company – BusinessFinanceDaily
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    Business Coca-Cola just spent $5.1 billion on a massive British coffee chain - Businessinsider News

    Coca-Cola announced on Friday that it would buy British coffee-shop … Read more via Business Insider – Get more: Nigeria Business News
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    Business Coca-Cola South Africa Bottling Unit Severs Ties With McKinsey.

    Coca-Cola Co.’s South African bottling unit isn’t awarding business to McKinsey & Co. pending the outcome of probes into the U.S. consultancy’s work involving the politically connected Gupta family. Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa hasn’t given a contract to McKinsey sine June 2017 and has no...
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    Metro Human Waste Found In Coca-Cola Cans

    Human wastes have been suspectedly been found in a number of empty cans at a Coca Cola factory in Northern Ireland, and Police is still investigating the matter. Night shift workers at the Lisburn plant made the shock discovery inside a number of cans on the production line. "It was absolutely...