In an unexpected turn of events, Cubana Chief Priest, the renowned nightlife enthusiast and celebrity barman, attended a recent event without his signature money-spraying antics. The social media sphere erupted with surprise and speculation as the video footage surfaced, capturing the usually...
The Oluwo of Iwoland, Oba Abdul Rasheed Adewale Akanbi, has stirred controversy with his recent remarks attributing the tradition of lavish money spraying at Yoruba and Igbo parties to a cultural spirit. In a statement by his press secretary, Alli Ibrahim, Oluwo emphasized the cultural...
Socialite Cubana Chief Priest, real name Paschal Okechukwu, confidently declared his financial prowess following his release on a N10 million bail.
Appearing before Justice Kehinde Ogundare at the Federal High Court, Lagos, on Wednesday, April 17, Chief Priest pleaded not guilty to charges of...
Street-pop artiste, Portable, renowned for his vibrant performances, has made a heartfelt appeal to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in light of recent legal actions against celebrities.
Following the sentencing of crossdresser Bobrisky and the filing of charges against...
In a recent development at the Federal High Court in Lagos State, businessman and socialite, Pascal Okechukwu, popularly known as Cubana Chief Priest, has been granted bail.
The court, presided over by Justice Oluwatoyin Taiwo, approved a bail sum of N10 million for Cubana Chief Priest, along...
Cubana Chief Priest, the popular nightlife promoter and social media celebrity, has entered a plea of not guilty to charges of naira abuse filed against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).
The charges stem from alleged incidents where Cubana, whose real name is Pascal...
Pascal Okechukwu, famously known as Cubana Chief Priest, appeared at the Federal High Court in Lagos for his trial on allegations of naira abuse. The celebrity barman was arrested by operatives of the Economic Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in Lagos over the alleged offense.
He was...
The news of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) preparing to arraign Obi Cubana for alleged Naira abuse charges has ignited a flurry of reactions across social media platforms. Nigerians express a mix of skepticism, amusement, and concern regarding the impending legal...
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has lodged a three-count charge against Instagram sensation Pascal Okechukwu, widely recognized as Cubana Chief Priest, for allegedly violating the Central Bank Act of 2007 by spraying and tampering with Naira notes at a social gathering...
Socialite Cubana Chiefpriest recently met with Vice President Kashim Shettima after the inauguration of the Abia State 24/7 electricity geometric power plant. Following the meeting, Cubana shared a picture on social media with a caption pledging support for the Vice President.
Reactions to his...
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